Annual reports
As a UK charity, Genetic Alliance UK is required to submit an annual report to the Charity Commission and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator. We also submit our annual report and accounts to Companies House. We firmly believe that annual reports are more than just a statutory requirement, seeing them as an important opportunity to be transparent about the work of the charity over the last reporting period.
Genetic Alliance UK annual reports provide an in-depth look at the charity’s operations, showing the strides we’ve made in the last 12 months and also the challenges we’ve overcome. Making our annual reports easy to access demonstrates the open, responsible and sustainable charity that Genetic Alliance UK is today.
Our annual reports focus on what’s already been achieved. To learn more about our ongoing initiatives and future objectives, explore our Genetic Alliance UK strategy page.
Genetic Alliance UK’s annual report for 2022-2023
Please visit the Charity Commission for older annual reports.
Impact reports
We also publish an impact report reflecting on the past 12 months and acknowledging the progress we have made by working together with our members.
- Read our Genetic Alliance UK’s impact report for 2022-23 now.